Worship Service Times 

8:45 | 10:15 | 11:45  AM

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter at Frisco Bible is coming.  Find out all about what is changing, why we are making the changes, and how you can be a part of what is next!

Get Connected


We are called to serve the body of Christ in more ways than just Sunday services.  From students and children, to adults in all stages of life, and even local and global missions, we have many ways
to get involved.


God's plan for His church is to impact the world by loving and sharpening one another.  Our LifeGroups are small groups of people with whom you live intentionally.  Let's do life together!

Upcoming  Events

Don't miss out on any of our upcoming events!
There is always something impactful happening at Frisco Bible Church, so stay in the know and join us!

current  series

Current Sermon Series

Redeeming Rest

Do you find it hard to rest? In a world that praises constant productivity, we often miss the sacred wisdom of pausing. Ecclesiastes teaches that true rest is a gift from God—one that draws us nearer to His infinite power and sanctifying presence.

It's time to get started.

Ready to take the next step? Come join us in worshipping our wondrous God, connecting with the body of Christ, growing in our faith, and humbly serving one another.