Welcome to THINK ABOUT IT. Where we discuss the mysteries, wonders, and beauty of God as revealed in the Bible. We invite you to sit back and enjoy the conversations as we explore.
Podcast Season 1
01 - DAY of the LORD
What does the Bible say about the End Times? Will evil be judged, and all things made right? Join us as we explore the Day of the Lord.
02 - Revelation—The Bible
God, the Creator of all things, once walked with man but no longer does. How can we know Him, His will, and His prophecies for the End Times? Join us as we explore God’s self-revelation through the Bible.
03 - The Character of God
What is God really like? Around the world, opinions vary—from a God of wrath to a distant, disinterested Creator. Join us as we explore the true attributes of God and why it matters for your faith and life.
04 - The Person of God
What is God really like? Opinions vary—some see Him as distant, uncaring, or strict. Join us as we explore the true person of God and why understanding Him matters for your faith and life.
05 & 06 - The Plan of God
What is God's plan for His creation, and how does it shape the world we see today? In this two-part series, we'll explore how understanding God's plan can bring peace and clarity amidst a chaotic world.
07 - Biblical Prophecy
What is biblical prophecy, and why is it essential to understanding the End Times? Join us as we explore how prophecy reveals God’s plan to judge evil, redeem His people, and establish His eternal Kingdom.
08 - The Abrahamic Covenant
What is the Abrahamic Covenant, and why is it crucial to understanding God's End Times plan? Join us as we explore how a covenant made over 4,000 years ago still impacts every person who desires to be part of God's family.
09 The Messiah
Who is the true Messiah, and how can we avoid the deception of the Antichrist? Join us as we explore biblical prophecy and teaching on the Messiah’s role in the End Times and how to stay grounded in truth.
10 - The Atonement of Jesus
Who is Jesus, and what was His purpose in coming to earth? Join us as we explore how Jesus fits into God's plan, the meaning of His atonement, and why understanding Him is crucial to knowing God.
11 - The Person of Jesus
What is Jesus really like, and what does His nature reveal about God? Join us as we explore how understanding the person of Jesus is key to knowing God and being part of His family.
12 - The Divinity of Jesus
Why do Christians believe Jesus is divine, and what does the Bible say about it? Join us as we explore the evidence for Jesus' divinity and its significance for salvation and the End Times.
13 - The Gospel
How can someone become part of God's family and receive eternal life? Join us as we explore God's plan of salvation and why it matters for your eternity.