Check out our local missions

  • God has placed Frisco Bible Church here for a purpose
  • We love our community and our neighbors and strive to show the love of Christ in our words and actions
  • We partner with like-minded ministries to provide for real, tangible, needs in a responsible way

LifeTalk Resource Center

LifeTalk Resource Center in Frisco is a faith-based ministry that offers pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, limited STD testing, and abortion education – all for free! Life Talk provides HOPE and CARE for women and families who feel like they have NO CHOICE.  Every LIFE is worth fighting for!

Garments of Love

Garments of Love blesses local children living in poverty with gift cards that enable them to shop for brand new clothing at local stores. Most children in poverty situations are given secondhand garments, but these children are not secondhand to God! God cares for each one & His greatest desire is for all to be made new in Him!

Showers of Blessing

Want to see eyes filled with tears of joy and appreciation that light up a room? Join us as we host baby showers for expectant moms-to-be celebrating life and sharing the love of Christ. Showers are provided by LifeTalk Resources as needed.

Laundry Love

Laundry Love consists of regular opportunities, once a month, to help people who are struggling financially by assisting them with the cost of laundry. We have partnered with The Wash Zone to assist with the finances of cleaning clothes for those in need. Our desire is to build relationships and listen for opportunities to present the gospel and to create an atmosphere of worship.

Cornerstone Dallas

Cornerstone Baptist offers great opportunities to serve in urban missions locally here in Dallas, Texas. There are monthly opportunities to serve on our Serving Saturdays Demolition/Renovation teams  that meets on second Saturday along with weekly opportunities to serve on second Thursday of the month in the Cornerstone Kitchen kitchen

Food Pacs

Do you or someone you know need of food? Frisco Bible Church has partnered with Children's Hunger Fund to help those with food insecurities through delivery food pacs.  Our team delivers within the Collin & Denton Counties on the first Saturday of each month.

BeeHive Homes

Come join us on the last Saturday of every month from 3:00 PM  to 5:00 PM as our Frisco Bible Bee Hive team leads in worship and devotions for our Seniors here in Frisco who reside at Beehive Nursing Home.  

ESL Conversations

ESL Conversations - A weekly Online English as a Second Language Conversation Class with a host teacher from Frisco Bible Church held on Thursday evenings from 7:00PM to 8:30 PM via Skype. The goal is to learn English with a gospel centered focus.

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