Macedonia Day One

Friday, September 13 and Saturday September 14

Our Macedonia Mission Team departed DFW on Friday evening. Frisco Bible is super excited to be partnering with Bent Tree Bible Fellowship for this trip. We both support the same missionary, The Redell's. The Macedonia team has five members from each church. We've had so much fun partnering together on this trip and getting to know each other and how we can all serve our missionaries with one heart and mind in unity. Our first stop was a ten hour flight to Istanbul, Turkey. We arrived with a few hours to spare before our one hour and thirty minute flight to Skopje, North Macedonia. Our team was tired from the 24 hours of travel but exhilarated to be greeted by our missionaries, Ron and Lisa Redell and their daughter Kalina. We praised God because all of our bags and supplies made it for our outreach events that week: the pancake breakfast on Sunday, the Moms Night on Monday and our American Celebration night on Friday. We travelled the 30 minutes to our apartments and then settled in for the night. The team was ready for a good nights rest and ready for Sunday worship the next morning.
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