Dubai Preparation Day

Preparation Day

Friday, April 26- Today our FB Dubai team's focus was to spend the day in preparation for our Leadership Conference. Some of this focus was getting some extra sleep as we adjust to the time change as it's a nine-hour time difference from Texas; as well as coming together as a team to prepare for the lessons and the open panel discussion times over the next nine days. Our missionary Falak along with Abid worked on preparing the conference room in anticipation for tomorrow's first day together.  Overall, it was a great day of unity & camaraderie with our team. We see God already moving and working through our prayer requests shared earlier regarding the flooding. Most of the flood waters have subsided and there is just a small bit of water left around our area. In fact, it is almost hard to believe that this area was flooded with four feet of water just over a week ago. Our Pakistani brothers and sisters arrive later this afternoon and we are excited to see them and begin. Thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to pray for a good night rest for all of us as we begin tomorrow morning.
Flooded Parking Lot with cars still under water!
Pictures of what is left of the flooding. This area had about four feet of water last week.
Grateful for the hot and dry weather to continue
Beautiful Dubai sunset over the Persian Gulf.

"This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
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1 Comment

Jennifer Bryant - April 27th, 2024 at 7:46am

Praying for you all as you begin the conference! Can't wait to hear about all that the Lord will do in you & through you!! Give each other hugs from me! -Jen



