Costa Rica Day Five

Hello from Costa Rica!

Yesterday, Kelle wrote about rescue. Kids having security and food are the primary physical needs. Today's focus was transformation which can only happen through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The gospel message brings hope in an otherwise hopeless area and our mission partner, Hope Partners International, focuses on brining the gospel message to the community as well as helping to meet physical needs. Jesus is our first and foremost need so Hope Partners International makes Him their priority.
We started off our day with a prayer walk through Pavas, praying for every home we passed to encounter and receive the gospel. It was very eye-opening as we were able to walk around and see where the students we encounter at the Hope Center live. It helped us see the reality that the kids and the people of the community live in. It was amazing that even though the families live in less than ideal situations that they can still have joy and dignity.
After the prayer walk, we went back to the elementary school we have been at to . . . paint some more! We added a second coat to some railings as well as paint the grated windows. We are so close to finishing up this campus beautification project so the kids can have a nicely painted cafeteria.
After we ate our sandwiches at that cafeteria we went to the Hope Center to play with the kids. We played outside as an opening and welcome activity then we sang and danced to a worship song. Afterwards, we performed a skit and split up into activity rotations between a hand prayer model (each finger represents something to pray for), play-dough, and active games. We closed our time with another worship song (with dancing, of course).
Today's lesson focused on Jesus raising Jairus' daughter from the dead. We do not have control to heal sick people or bring someone back from the dead but only God has authority and control to do so.
Also, today was Jeremy's birthday so all the kids sang him "Happy Birthday" (in Spanish, of course). Following, they all got to tackle him. Don't worry, he survived.
Some prayer requests:
  • We show the love of Jesus to those around us.
  • Christ be magnified in all we do.
  • Continued health of the team.
  • Continued unity of the team.
  • Another sunny day tomorrow during outdoor activity time with the kids.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

1 Comment

Lana - July 18th, 2024 at 8:26pm

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jeremy! Praying for all of you & all God puts in your paths this week! Praying for all of the requests & for God's grace & peace be with each of you! Thanking God for ALL you are doing! Joyfully IN HIM, Lana



