Costa Rica Day Three

Hello from beautiful Costa Rica,

Today was our first official day of serving in Pavas. We spent the morning at a local school and the afternoon at the Hope Center. On our way into Pavas this morning, we did a bus tour of the area. One of the things that stood out to our team was the trash. While today was trash day, we learned that anything that has spilled out of the bags or if the bags have broken, that trash is left on the streets.

When we arrived at the school this morning there was a full on celebration. Kids were coming back from their winter break. Music was playing, kids were running around and playing, and it was nacho day in the cafeteria. Hope has been working on beautification projects at this school for the past two years, and ours is one of the final walls to be painted. Today we worked on sanding down the walls and cleaning the walls to prepare for painting them over the next few days. We had a bag lunch at the school and then headed to the Hope Center.
This afternoon we went to the brand new Hope Center. The center is bright and beautiful and stands out in the area. In preparing for this trip, our team prepped a day camp for 1st and 2nd graders. This afternoon we did day 1 of the camp based on the Bible passage: Mark 4:35-41. Kids looked for clues during our skit with Professor Poof and learned that Jesus calms the storm. In craft kids created a boat out of a paper plate and played some Jenga in floor time.

We are so excited to go back tomorrow for day 2 but we are all worn out so I won't give away any spoilers for tomorrow. Pray for a good night sleep for our team and that no one is too terribly sore tomorrow.

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