Dubai Day Nine- Graduation Day
Dubai Day Nine- Graduation Day
Sunday, May 5 2024
Well, we can't believe that this day has come, Graduation Day for our leaders. For several of our attendees, this is three consecutive years of leadership training coming to a conclusion. The Leaders are ready (and are doing so already) to live out The Great Commission. Our FB team is excited to share this special event with our readers. The day began with worship from Psalm 136, followed by communion together.
Well, we can't believe that this day has come, Graduation Day for our leaders. For several of our attendees, this is three consecutive years of leadership training coming to a conclusion. The Leaders are ready (and are doing so already) to live out The Great Commission. Our FB team is excited to share this special event with our readers. The day began with worship from Psalm 136, followed by communion together.

After Communion, our FB Leaders shared some words of encouragement. They chose three words: Faith, Hope, Love
Jeremy spoke first on Love using Matthew 22:34-40
Jeremy spoke first on Love using Matthew 22:34-40

Next, AJ shared his word, Hope, using Romans 5:1-5

Martin shared his word, Faith, using Acts 10.

Our FB men also helped Hunook Ministries commission three men into the ministry. Two in Pakistan and one in Dubai.

Then each leader shared a three to four minute testimony on how they will apply the lessons to their ministry. This time is so encouraging to us as a team, as well as the other leaders, as this helps hold them accountable to one another.
Which begs to answer the question to our readers - Do you have people around you who hold you accountable to the Scriptures? How do you apply the lessons you hear on Sunday morning to your life? We would love to share all of them in this blog, but due to space cannot. We do plan on sharing these testimonies on a separate platform, so stay tuned. All of the testimonies were encouraging and helpful for our team so we can know how to pray for our brothers and sisters. This also helps evaluate the students' understanding of the lessons. We were reminded that the Holy Spirit is the one who gives understanding even when language can be a barrier. Pastor Samuel shared his testimony of the Five C's: Conviction, Confession, Cleansing, Consecration and Commission. Emma shared her testimony of the 5G's. She shared that when she arrived in Dubai she had five bars (5G) on her phone and was so excited (because she doesn't see that often in Lahore, Pakistan) . As the days of teaching went on, Emma was reminded that she always has 5G's with her at all times: God, Guide, Guard, Gauge & Glorify. What a great application!
After testimonies, our FB team gave their final encouraging words to the group and then it was time for the presentation of gifts. We first started with Abid. He has been an amazing administrator for all of us. We presented to him with the first gift, a study bible.
Which begs to answer the question to our readers - Do you have people around you who hold you accountable to the Scriptures? How do you apply the lessons you hear on Sunday morning to your life? We would love to share all of them in this blog, but due to space cannot. We do plan on sharing these testimonies on a separate platform, so stay tuned. All of the testimonies were encouraging and helpful for our team so we can know how to pray for our brothers and sisters. This also helps evaluate the students' understanding of the lessons. We were reminded that the Holy Spirit is the one who gives understanding even when language can be a barrier. Pastor Samuel shared his testimony of the Five C's: Conviction, Confession, Cleansing, Consecration and Commission. Emma shared her testimony of the 5G's. She shared that when she arrived in Dubai she had five bars (5G) on her phone and was so excited (because she doesn't see that often in Lahore, Pakistan) . As the days of teaching went on, Emma was reminded that she always has 5G's with her at all times: God, Guide, Guard, Gauge & Glorify. What a great application!
After testimonies, our FB team gave their final encouraging words to the group and then it was time for the presentation of gifts. We first started with Abid. He has been an amazing administrator for all of us. We presented to him with the first gift, a study bible.

Then the ladies presented their gifts to our team, purses for the ladies and ties for the men.
After the presenting of the gifts, it was time for presenting diplomas to each leader and graduation gift, a stipend to allow them to shop for "sweet treats" to bring back to their families back home in Pakistan. It really was such a beautiful time of celebration. More pictures of this time will be coming in future days, as we had a professional photographer during the ceremony. Afterwards, it was a time of celebration and lots of pictures! Then lunch time together for one last time before we said our final goodbyes. It really was a mixture of emotions, gladness and sadness all rolled into one. We all savored the moments and cherished them in our hearts. It's so hard to put all of these emotions into a blog, but if you have experienced this personally, or been on a mission trip before, then you know what we are talking about.

Presenting the 2024 Leadership Conference UAE Graduates

If you know AJ, then there really needs to be no explanation. Our FB team has enjoyed camaraderie and unity on this journey. This has been a unique trip because of how we have combined & designed the conference with men and women together. We are grateful for the memories and praise God for our Frisco Bible community for their investment. Tomorrow will be our free day to explore Dubai before we make the long journey home.
Psalm 136 " Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting."

Psalm 136:7 "To Him who made the great lights, for His lovingkindness is everlasting."
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