NY Mission Trip Day Four through Sienna's Perspective
It is Wednesday, and this morning we were up bright and early to be at breakfast at 7:00. The boys went to chop the last of the wood and then loaded it up in a dump truck. Mrs. Jessica and my mom, Nicole went to the nursery, and the rest of us went to clean an old office building with the maintenance manager, Collin. Isabela, Julia, and I filled two rubber gloves with water, drew faces on them, and named them Blimpy and Floppy. We met a bear named Frank while cleaning. Unknown to us, the boys met him, too.

Then some people went to bible hour, while others, like me, stayed at the cabin. Lunch was chicken and steak fajitas. We are officially half way through the week! After lunch, the boys did, you guessed it- woodchopping! The nursery was closed, so all of the ladies went to clean bathrooms around camp. Then, because we finished cleaning so fast, Julia, Isabella, Mrs. Amy, and I went on the zip-line. First you climbed up a rock wall, then crossed a log and a tight rope in the air. Next you went on two short zip-lines through the woods, and finally a long one over the lake. Jessica went kayaking while we zipped. We got back to the cabin with time to spare before dinner.

Dinner was chicken sandwiches and chips. (They were not Chick-fil-a worthy!) After dinner we went to the Lounge to play pool and chill. We had some free time in the dorm and then went to the Ridge's Campfire Dedication Service. Isabela, Mr. Tiago, Seth, and Mr. Adam went to the service on The Island tonight. The campfire service was so fun! The boys were proud that they had chopped the wood for the fire. We sang, listened to a message, and we were invited to come throw a stick in the fire to represent our dedication to God. It was so cool to see all the kids from the middle school program come down to dedicate their lives to God. We got back to the dorm at 9: 30. Today was an awesome day and I'm so glad we got to experience it together!

WE ARRIVED....PURA VIDADay 2 - Getting to Know Costa RicaDay 3 - Cultural Experience, Church, and Final PreparationsDay 4 (Part 2) Service Project and Day CampDAY 4 (Part 1) – It's Monday...PreparationsDay 5 - Primed for MinistryDay 6 - Painting and GenesisDay 7 - Final Day at Hope PartnersDay 7 - Hope Partners Recap VideoDay 8 - La PlayaDay 9 - Volcano, Bible School, and Cultural Experience ExtravaganzaMeet Our Dubai Mission Team
FBC Uganda Mission Trip 2023 - Team and Prayer RequestsMeet our Dubai Mission TeamCommissioning and ArrivalDubai Teaching Day One- Thursday, April 13Uganda Team Commissioning & Final PreparationsDubai Teaching Day Two- Friday, April 14Dubai Teaching Days Three, Four and FiveDubai Teaching Days Six and SevenUganda Team is on their waySunday April 23Uganda Team has arrived in UgandaDubai Day EightUganda 2023 Teaching Day OneUganda 2023 Teaching Day TwoUganda Teaching Day ThreeUganda Teaching Day FourUganda 2023 Teaching Day Five
NY Mission Trip Day OneNY Mission Day Two through Jessica's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Three through Adam's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Four through Sienna's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Five through Seth's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Six through Isabela's PerspectiveNY Mission Trip Day Seven
Glad to read your blog Sienna. It sounds like you are having a very productive mission.
I am Sienna's Grams and I an very proud of the work you are all doing. It's a wonderful experience to do mission work.
I thoroughly enjoyed this blog. I felt like I was actually there experiencing all the fun with Sienna. What wonderful pictures. What was also so very special though was knowing that so many young people accepted Christ at the end of the day and knowing that Sienna was thrilled about it as well! Thank you for sharing your day with all of us Sienna!
Thanks for being so thorough on your blog! We are praying for all of you and can't wait to hear more about your experience. Keep the details coming please. What a gratifying service and love of God you and your church are showing. XO "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1Peter 4:10